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Feeling Type

People with the first gift Feeling are all the really warm people you know. People who are high in this gift pick up impressions by the way things feel to them. They love to touch people, things, animals; anything that feels good to them. If your gift of Feeling is highly unfolded, you probably use a lot of gestures when you talk. This helps you put your feelings into words. Feelers bubble over with enthusiasm and want others to feel good too. Patience is your virtue if you are high in Feeling.

Feelers are usually good communicators. The energy that pours through their hands can be a healing to others and they can help a person relax merely by touching him. They have the psychic gift of psychometry. Someone can place an object in their hands and a Feeler will receive impressions about that person through the energy around the object. When they put their hands on a person they can pick up the feelings that person is feeling at that time. Because they are so highly sensitive, it is very important that they know how to recognize their own feelings from those that don't belong to them. For example, there may have been a time when you shook hands with a person and suddenly felt uncomfortable, but you may have accepted the impressions as if they were your own.

The color associated with the gift of Feeling is blue. Your Feeling gift has your abilities of healing, automatic writing and psychometry.



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