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Prophetic Type

If this is your main perception, you will communicate through inner knowing. You cannot explain how you know what you know; you just know. When you talk to others, they often wonder how you seem to know things. In fact, you even respond to people with the words, "I know."

If you are strong in this perception, you are also aware of the future and can easily sense what is to come. As a result, you are concerned about the future and often think of your ideas or create plans that cause you to think that you are ahead of your time. You probably are. You also have the ability to move into the future and pick up impressions that are highly accurate. Sometimes you even predict future events before they happen. In a more practical sense, you might be able to sense who is calling on the phone before you answer. How do you know? You are sensing what is happening in your environment through your inner knowing, or gift of Prophecy.

The color associated with this gift is purple. Prophetics are the only gift capable of going into full trance.



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