Visionary Type
If you are high in the gift of Vision, you need to see things. Your guidance communicates with you through pictures or symbols. You are able to organize easily and love to arrange things so that there is balance and harmony in your environment. This perception has the spiritual gift of clairvoyance; the ability to see things through the mind's eye that are only visible on the spiritual plane. If Vision is your main gift, you may have a photographic mind that can easily remember names, dates and places that you have only seen once. It is easy for you to visualize how an empty room will look with furniture in it. You can always sense when a picture on a wall is tilted because you have a keen eye for detail. This part of you likes to be neat and organized. The Visionary gift is very interested in the picture of life and loves tradition. When something seems unconventional or goes against tradition, a person high in vision may begin to feel uncomfortable. The color associated with Vision is yellow. |
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