
Spiritual Freedom is Our Business
“You came to Planet Earth to find yourself. Happiness, success and abundance are already yours.
All you need to do is become a master of yourself!” Dr. Francisco Coll
Founder of ALC
Since 1967 the Americana Leadership College and its community programs, the Inner Peace Movement, Astro Soul, Peace Community Church, Profound Mystical Meditation for the Western Society, and Growing Executives of Tomorrow have been helping people find answers to life's mysteries that always seemed elusive.
These community programs, regional retreats, and national conferences have helped people around the world live affluent lives and improve the quality of personal relationships. We help you learn how to trust your hunches.
What do you want out of life?
How would you like to improve your success and relationships?
Discover the uniqueness of our 5 community programs.
We have a vast library of seminars that will help you:
- Experience Guardian Angels in your life
- Discover the 4 spiritual gifts on Intuition, Vision, Prophecy, and Feeling
- Learn about your past lifetimes and their impact on today.
- Unfold a Sea Of Tranquility to reduce stress
- Become the Christ Consciousness
- Release blockages and heal your chakras
Copyright © 2000-2010
Alley Creative, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Americana Leadership College, Astro-Soul, Profound Mystical Meditation, Inner Peace Movement, Growing Executives of Tomorrow, Peace Community Church, Gateway to the Business World, Wayshowers Community Fellowship, the Times Communicator News Letter and the logos of these services are registered trade marks or service marks of the F. Coll Estate. Man and the Universe, Exploring Inner Dynamics Workshop, Group Dynamics, Technique Dynamics, Circle of Love, New Spiritual Horizons, Foundations of Spiritual Development, Dimensions of My Past, Present and Future, Exploring the Wisdom of My Universe, and Wayshowers Philosophy are product service marks. All rights reserved.