
Where it all began
Man and the Universesm
by Dr. Francisco Coll
It began over 40 years ago with a simple message from a sensitive man with extraordinary concern for himself and mankind.
"You are a soul with a body,
not a body with a soul"
Francisco Coll
Over his lifetime, Dr. Francisco Coll, founder of Ameriana Leadership College, (Spritual Success Programs in Australia), refined the message, developed tool and techniques that could be passed on to others, trained educators and designed the programs that would carry Spirit's message to the world.
The symbols that came to Dr. Coll as a means of explaining to people who we are, where we come from, and why we are here on earth comprise the Orientation Lecture Chart above.
The next several pages contain an abbreviated version of the message that has made life for hundreds of thousands of people a richer experience. You can get the complete story in Dr. Coll's book, Man and the Universe, at our online store.
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Americana Leadership College, Astro-Soul, Profound Mystical Meditation, Inner Peace Movement, Growing Executives of Tomorrow, Peace Community Church, Gateway to the Business World, Wayshowers Community Fellowship, the Times Communicator News Letter and the logos of these services are registered trade marks or service marks of the F. Coll Estate. Man and the Universe, Exploring Inner Dynamics Workshop, Group Dynamics, Technique Dynamics, Circle of Love, New Spiritual Horizons, Foundations of Spiritual Development, Dimensions of My Past, Present and Future, Exploring the Wisdom of My Universe, and Wayshowers Philosophy are product service marks. All rights reserved.