
Thought and Feeling:
Maintaining Balance
Man has two natures--intellect and feeling. In this figure the top half of the circle represents the intellect, and the lower half represents feeling. The intellectual nature wants to know and understand the world around it, and the feeling nature wants to be part of things.
The intellectual nature is the analyzing, dissecting, proving part of you. It is like the steering wheel of your car. Its purpose is to provide direction in your life. The feeling nature is like the engine of your car. Your feeling nature is where the real power lies. Without power you're not going anywhere. We need both the steering (intellect) and the power (feeling) in order to move with direction.
If we do a lot of thinking, but fail to put our ideas into action, we are just daydreamers. On the other hand, if we act without thinking about what we're doing, we just go in circles. We are without any real direction. Either way, we're out of balance and no good to ourselves or anyone else. In fact, we may become problems for other people. We need to have balance between the intellect and feelings. In this way we have a thought for every feeling and a feeling for every thought. This brings purpose and balance to our lives.
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