Expansion into Soul Consciousness
The College Course #560
This five-hour course is designed to help you regroup the wisdom you have within and rediscover your true self by understanding how you operate on both the physical and spiritual planes of existence. Regain the feeling of oneness with all things by rediscovering that "childlike" part of you. Experience techniques which focus on helping you understand your real self. Gain a perspective of yourself as a soul in a higher school of learning. Examine your life purpose and how you can achieve it.
Five hours $65.00 (USA)
Directing Life Energy Behind My Goals course #561
This is a six-hour course that looks at concepts of possession, wants, loyalties and leadership to expand your standards into a more abundant state of consciousness. Understand the importance of living in the present moment as you learn to set your own goals and evaluate you own leadership qualities. See how making a decision can get you anything you want. Unfold how you can see your spiritual gifts of feeling and intuition to channel your energy.
6 Hours $70.00
Energy Dynamics Workshop course #515
This highly charged, ten-hour course is where you discover the tremendous vitality and strength of your feeling part and experience practical tools for keeping your energy positive and consistent toward accomplishment of your goals. Gain command of your situation by becoming compact and develop your spontaneous sensitivity through experiencing action-packed techniques. Find inner balance of thought and feeling while expanding your communication with your inner guidance.
10 Hours $90
Spiritual Guidance and Inner Direction course #562
A six-hour course that reawakens your true inner nature by expanding your self-image and tuning into the natural rhythm of your timing. You will gain a deeper feeling for being a "free agent" in the universe and learn how excuses hinder you from accomplishing your goals in life. Tune into the inner security that your true feelings create. Experience techniques to help you find your inner pivot point and determine your direction according to you life purpose.
6 Hours $70.00
Accomplishment Through Personal Initiative course #563
A six-hour course that helps you to unfold the wisdom you have gathered together through eons of time. Learn how "moving in" and "moving out" to accomplish will earn you success, fulfillment, abundance and a consistently high, positive energy. Unfold your personal leadership in areas of delegating, initiative and patience. Learn to discern your true feelings from those off others and begin to live by the golden rule of the peace lover, "live and let live."
6 Hours $70.00
The Dynamics of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling course #564
A six-hour course that clarifies your inner and outer communication and helps you learn more about communicating through your four spiritual gifts. Discover the power of your feelings and the usefulness of your thinking. These are your two means of communication. Accept the simplicity of being and creating a balance between your thoughts and feeling. Find out how your communication is limited by fears, outside influences, lack of trust and making excuses. Release your limitations, clarify your communication with yourself, your guidance and the world around you to bring out the dynamic, successful person you are.
6 Hours $70.00
Reality of My Life Awareness course 565
A six-hour course where you will gain a deeper feeling of yourself as a free soul in the universe and begin to see planet earth as the great school it is. Begin to really feel unlimited in your life. Find out how you are limited by religious concepts and how your religious training can be turned into spiritual knowledge. Feel one with all things and discover thought patterns to keep you on your pivot point in life. Understand your priorities and your loyalties and discover your concepts of patience, being of service, reward, pride games and sin.
6 Hours $70.00