
Courses for PMM Group Leadership
Course Number and Title |
Content |
Length and Price |
The College 3000
How to Present the Profound Mysitcal Meditation Orientation Lecture |
In this seven-hour course you will clarify the feeling of your life purpose as you organize your thoughts and feelings. You will feel secure in presenting the PMM Orientation Lecture by clearly understanding the symbols. Organize your own personal experiences as you tune into the mystical and flowing energy of PMM. Experience the backing of PMM "Ascended Masters" as you learn to help people bring balance into their lives. |
7 Hours
The College 3000-A
How to Present Tranquility in Accomplishment |
In this six-hour course you will refine and deepen your understanding and feelings for the Profound Mystical Meditation vibration. You will practice operating from your own smooth, graceful inner pivot point. You will learn to successfully organize groups and how to effectively follow up on their needs. You will solidify your own leadership skills by tuning into the organized and relaxed vibration of PMM. |
6 Hours
The College 3010
In Your Sea of Tranquility Techniques |
Experience and grasp the mechanics and purpose of the techniques in the first six weeks of the PMM Group Process. Realize you never stop learning and growing as you gain a deeper understanding of each technique that you will be sharing with searchers. The techniques include: After Image Perception, Aura Vision, Case Analysis, Communication with Inner Guidance, Energy Exchange, The Lift, Methods of Meditation, PMM Outflow Technique, PMM Regrouping, Seventh Heaven, Soul Safari and Spiritual Cleansing.
7 Hours
The College 3011
Expanding Your Inner Sea Techniques |
Gain a thorough understanding of the mechanics and purpose of the Techniques in the second eight weeks of the PMM Group Process. Be able to help people understand the roles of their intellect, feelings and emotions in everyday life. Feel the success you are by helping others to enjoy the now and create their destiny. The Techniques include: Intuitive Impressions, Color Encounter, Facial Encounter, Love Feast, Object Encounter, Polarity Switch, Thought Transference and Word Therapy. |
7 Hours
The College 3012
Penetrating Your Sea of Energy Techniques |
Experience and gain understanding of the mechanics and purpose of the techniques presented in the First Six weeks of the PMM Group Process – Facet 2. Be able to help people realize how their discernment is related to the expansion of their sensitivity through the practice of the techniques introduced in the program. Help people regroup themselves on how far they have come in their spiritual growth. The Techniques include: Pass Over, Vibration Gauge, Image Identification, Talk In, Bird's Eye View, Parent and Adult and the Ego Game. |
7 Hours
The College 3013:
Expansion in Penetrating Your Sea of Energy Techniques |
Experience and gain understanding of the mechanics and purpose of the techniques presented in the First Six weeks of the PMM Group Process – Facet 2. Be able to help people realize how their discernment is related to the expansion of their sensitivity through the practice of the techniques introduced in the program. Help people regroup themselves on how far they have come in their spiritual growth. The Techniques include: Pass Over, Vibration Gauge, Image Identification, Talk In, Bird's Eye View, Parent and Adult and the Ego Game. |
6 Hours
The College 3014
Being Your inner Hamony Techniques |
Experience and gain understanding of the mechanics and purpose of the techniques presented in the first four weeks of the PMM group process, Facet 3. Help people regroup themselves on how far they have come since their spiritual involvement. Gain a deeper understanding about the harmony between your inner self and your outer self. With the techniques included in this course you will be able to let your true feelings come to the surface, see how sensitive you are, gain understanding about your relationships with others, experience your harmonious inner strength, trace attitudes about yourself and pinpoint the positive qualities you have unfolded. The Techniques included are: The Handshake, Love Feast, Man and Woman, Energy Elevator, Three Trees and Your Best Qualities. |
6 Hours
The College 3015
Expansion into Being Your inner Hamony Techniques |
Experience and gain understanding of the mechanics and purpose of the techniques presented in the second four weeks of the PMM group process, Facet 3. Help people regroup themselves on how far they have come since their spiritual involvement. Find ways to expand your inner harmony in your daily life. With the techniques included in this course you will be able to take a deeper look at your commitments, have a gauge for your personal rhythm and timing, explore unconscious feelings you have about different facets of your life, learn to let go of problems that weigh you down, strengthen your inflow and outflow, use your sensitivity effectively and understand how your unconscious mind operates. The Techniques included are: Positive Punch, Five Images, The Release, Wheel of Love, Attunement Gauge and Word Association. |
6 Hours
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