
The Department of Religion and Philosophy provides training to individuals who want to clearly pass their wisdom along to like-minded people in their community.
Number and Name
Length and Price
The College 600
How To Present
The Peace Community Church® Orientation Lecture |
In this ten-hour course you will learn to successfully present the Peace Community Church Orientation Lecture and tune into and feel the peaceful, loving and flowing vibration of Peace Community Church. Explore in depth each of your four churches and relate these feelings to your first four cycles. Stimulate understanding within yourself and others of the spiritual nature of man. |
10 Hours
The College 600-A
How To Present "The Circle of Lovesm Fellowship"
In this six-hour course you will experience the Peace Community Church energy as you are trained to present this four hour program, "The Circle of Love Fellowship." Take an opportunity to have a new avenue to touch and inspire thousands of people seeking to experience their God within. Gain the training and the necessary tools to help those who want to expand their religious training and change from the programming of their first seven years. Refresh the techniques you will be using in the 4 hour program "Circle of Love Fellowship." Experience these techniques from a participant's point of view for your own fulfillment and from the leader's point of view who will be overseeing the 4 hour program with hundreds of people attending this program. |
6 Hours
The College 641
Unfolding your Christ Consciousness Techniques |
Feel secure about your communication in presenting the mechanics and purpose of the Techniques in the First Four Weeks of the Peace Community Church "Circle of Love" Group Program. Strengthen your communication with yourself, with others and with Spirit. The Techniques presented include: After Image Perception, Aura Vision, Clear Channel, Energy Elevator, Facial Encounter, Healing All Four Churches, Intuitive Impressions, Object Encounter, Security Circle, Shoulder Encounter, Spiritual Cleansing and Spiritual Cleansing of the Environment. |
7 Hours
The College 642
Unfolding your Crystal Clear Vibration Techniques |
Prepare yourself to lead the techniques in the second four weeks of the Peace Community Church "Circle of Love" Group process. Gain new inspiration toward breaking out of traditional patterns and concepts that limit your growth. Experience and understand the crystal clear vibration you have for working with Spirit. The Techniques include: Energy Exchange, Healing Circle, Image Identification, Love Feast, Passover, Seventh Heaven and Three Trees. |
7 Hours
The College 643
Unfolding your Healing Vibration Techniques |
Feel secure about your communication in presenting the mechanics and purpose of the techniques presented in the last four weeks of Peace Community Church "Circle of Love" Group Program Facet 1 and the first four weeks of Facet 2. Tune into your healing power vibration as you lead the PCC group work and train others to experience their healing vibration. The Techniques presented include: Vibration Gauge, Case Analysis, Wheel of Love, Methods of Meditation, The Lift, Soul Safari, Checker's Circle, Ego Game, Zoology and The Release. |
7 Hours
The College 644
Unfolding your Clear Communication Techniques |
Feel secure about your communication in presenting the mechanics and purpose of the techniques in the last eight weeks of the Peace Community Church "Circle of Love" Group Program Facet 2. Expand your communication with yourself, guidance and others as you lead the PCC group work and pass on tools to others to refine their communication. The Techniques include: Blind Walk, As Little Children, Creative Solo, Man and Woman, Positive Punch, Talk In, Home Life, Brainstorming, Spitting Image and Parent and Adult.. |
7 Hours
The College 645
Unfolding your Balanced Consciousness Techniques |
Experience and gain understanding of the mechanics and purpose of the techniques presented in the First Four Weeks of the Peace Community Church Group Work – Facet Three. Help people regroup themselves on how far they have come since their spiritual involvement. With the Techniques included in this course you will unfold a more stable balance within your state of consciousness, take a look at patterns of energy you have been using for many years, coordinate and direct your thoughts in life on a feeling level, know how to keep yourself a compact beam of energy at all times, increase your sensitivity and understand how your unconscious feelings are affected in different situations. The Techniques included are: Word Therapy, Thought Transference, Bird's Eye View, Count Off, Make Your Point, Color Encounter and Word Association. |
7 Hours
The College 646
Expanding your Balanced Consciousness Techniques |
Experience and gain understanding of the mechanics and purpose of the techniques presented in the Second four weeks of the Peace Community Church Group Process – Facet Three. Help people regroup themselves on how far they have come since their spiritual involvement. With the techniques included in this course you will realize how much you have grown spiritually, expand your wisdom, enlarge your communications, increase your sensitivity, explore unconscious feelings you have about different facets of your life, discern the difference between following your true feelings and playing the game of society, see clearly how unconscious patterns could prevent you from being more abundant and relaxed, know how to make spiritual concepts practical in your daily life and understand the good things you have within. The Techniques included are: Attunement Gauge, Five Images, Left-Right, Your Refrigerator, The Great Escape and Your Best Qualities. |
7 Hours
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Americana Leadership College, Astro-Soul, Profound Mystical Meditation, Inner Peace Movement, Growing Executives of Tomorrow, Peace Community Church, Gateway to the Business World, Wayshowers Community Fellowship, the Times Communicator News Letter and the logos of these services are registered trade marks or service marks of the F. Coll Estate. Man and the Universe, Exploring Inner Dynamics Workshop, Group Dynamics, Technique Dynamics, Circle of Love, New Spiritual Horizons, Foundations of Spiritual Development, Dimensions of My Past, Present and Future, Exploring the Wisdom of My Universe, and Wayshowers Philosophy are product service marks. All rights reserved.