Master Souls
When a soul masters the lessons of planet earth he is ready to graduate from the earth plane. That soul no longer has to evolve in a physical body. These highly evolved souls become helpers of souls with bodies here on plane earth. They can be of service because they have mastered the lessons you are learning. Everyone has at least one of these souls to assist them. People whose life purpose has to do with working with things (artist, engineer, mechanic, etc) will have one or two spiritual helpers. People who came to work with people will have many more helpers. People have free will and you need more help if your life lessons are to be learned by working with people.
Now we know these spiritual helpers by many names; guides, angels, the Comforter, Holy Spirit, archetypes, ascended masters, etc. They are not holy, they are whole. They are one with all things. In behalf of their own desire to grow and to better themselves, they are the messengers of the universe. Their purpose is to help their brothers and sisters liberate themselves from the bondage of ignorance. They are here to help you understand who you are, where you came from and what you are doing here on planet earth. They want to bring people the essence of spiritual truth. This is what creates a high soul -- his efforts to better himself and help others.
The prophets knew of these angels. They wanted to find a way of communicating this reality to the masses. They wanted to explain that these souls moved through the air. They looked at all the birds and choose a dove because a dove never leaves its perch until it has it's direction (This is why a dove is an important religious symbol). Then they needed a symbol for the crystal clear nature of these souls; they chose a child. They put the wings of a dove on the body of a child and called them Messengers of God. When the early texts were translated from Hebrew to Greek, the words became "angel."
The moment you decided to come to planet earth to do your work, you attracted a team of these souls to help you. You had some relationship with each of them in the past. You have an affinity for each other. They are not greater than you nor you lesser than they are. You are a team. You learn from them, they grow by helping you. They have a bigger picture but you have the physical body. It is your life and you have the final say on all matters. Their respect for your freewill is profound.
When you feel chills, that's your guidance reassuring you or giving you energy. They are always with you, no matter what. Even if you should pass on in a confused state of consciousness, they will stay with you until you regain your inner pivot point. They are the still small voice, the good idea, the feeling of inner strength that is available to you always if you will but live in the eternal now where they reside.