
Astro Soul® Community Group Work Courses
Listed below is the course information for the Astro Soul Group Work courses. These courses consolidate the experiences gained from group work and prepare the participant for a new level of experience during their next level of participation.
The Dynamics of Astro-Soul, Part 1
This course sets the footings for a strong foundation of involvement in the entire Astro-Soul Program. You will work closely with your team of master souls to find experiences in your memory bank that will give you understanding for the feelings you have today. You will learn about the Zones of Consciousness and how they affect you. You will discover your life purpose and the depth of your commitment to that purpose.
6 Hours
$100.00 US
The Dynamics of Astro Soul, Part 2
This course will help you enlarge your picture of what your life on planet earth is all about. You will learn how the games of competition, devotion and glory can cut you off from your own freedom. Techniques will focus on using your memory bank of experiences and astro-trips to understand your motives and how to discern the different states of consciousness.
6 Hours
$100.00 US
The Dynamics of Astro Soul
You will experience realms beyond planet earth through astro-trips. You will learn how to create a buffer zone around you by establishing your standards and clarifying your motives. You will discover the laws of the universe and the different states of consciousness you will encounter. You will learn to take trips to the Source to heal yourself and others.
6 Hours
$100.00 US
My Past, My Present and My Destiny
This course is an in-depth search into your first seven years to help you see the attitudes which have been passed on to you and the role they play in your life today. You will see how feelings of loneliness and resentment can be stimulated within you. You take a look at your self-image and understand tendencies you have developed over lifetimes. You will determine the kind of person you want to be and outline realistic steps to achieve this goal.
10 Hours
Searching Within and Beyond Astro-Soul Groups
This course provides the procedures for the leadership of Searching Within and Beyond Astro-Soul Groups. Through an organized group structure, you will learn more about yourself through practicing discernment, communication with your master souls and development of your spiritual gifts. Through deep meditation, semi-trance and trance, you will expand your consciousness by delving into deeper realms of the universe.
10 Hours
$110.00 US
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Alley Creative, Inc.
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Americana Leadership College, Astro-Soul, Profound Mystical Meditation, Inner Peace Movement, Growing Executives of Tomorrow, Peace Community Church, Gateway to the Business World, Wayshowers Community Fellowship, the Times Communicator News Letter and the logos of these services are registered trade marks or service marks of the F. Coll Estate. Man and the Universe, Exploring Inner Dynamics Workshop, Group Dynamics, Technique Dynamics, Circle of Love, New Spiritual Horizons, Foundations of Spiritual Development, Dimensions of My Past, Present and Future, Exploring the Wisdom of My Universe, and Wayshowers Philosophy are product service marks. All rights reserved.