
Astro Soul® Group Leader Certification
One of life's most self-elevating and fulfilling experiences is passing along one's wisdom to others. The Astro Soul community leadership courses give you the skills to be of service to others in the clearest, most meaningfull way.
How To Present The Astro-Soul Orientation Lecture
This course prepares you to present the Astro-Soul Orientation Lecture. You will learn to communicate the Astro-Soul energy of reverence and love to those who are searching. You will be training in how to communicate such areas as the laws of the Universe, the school of planet earth, the dimensions of B, C and D Zones, astro travel, communication with spiritual guidance and healing.
10 Hours
$100.00 US
How To Present Exploring the Fifth Dimension
This six-hour course trains you to present "Exploring The Fifth Dimension." You will experience and understand the special type of healing which occurs as people expand their picture of the realities of their existence as a soul and energy. You will feel secure with the instructions for helping people take a trip to the source. Learn how to expand the Orientation Lecture to help a person begin to clarify his purpose in life.
6 Hours
$200.00 US
Introduction to the Fifth Dimension Techniques
This course will prepare you to lead the techniques for the first five weeks of Exploring the Fifth Dimension, Facet 1. As you experience the techniques you will increase your personal understanding and refine your psychic sensitivities. You will experience the following techniques: Spiritual Cleansing, Astro-Soul Meditation, After Image Perception, Aura Vision, Astro-Soul In-Depth Meditation, Astro-Soul Outflow Technique, Intuitive Impressions, Shoulder Encounter, Object Encounter, Facial Encounter, Methods of Medication, Group Cleansing and Love Feast.
7 Hours
$110.00 US
Expansion into the Fifth Dimension Techniques
This course will help you understand the purpose, practical application and procedures of the nine techniques presented in the last five weeks of Exploring the Fifth Dimension, Facet 1. As you experience these techniques, you will gain greater understanding of soul travel. Techniques include: Seventh Heaven, The Lift, Passover, The Release, Case Analysis, Astro Trip to "D" Zone for Healing, Astro Trip to Past Lifetime, Astro Trip to Past Lifetime in Spiritual Work, Astro Trip to Zones for Healing Loves Ones.
7 Hours
$110.00 US
Experience Your Inner Universe Techniques
This course will prepare you to lead the techniques for the first four weeks of Exploring the Fifth Dimension Group Structure Facet 2. You will experience the following Techniques: Three Trees, Aura Vision for Past Lifetimes, Sending Energy from the Source, Left-Right, Astro-Trip to the Source for Healing, Spirit Singing, Vibration Gauge, Astro-Trip to "D" Zone to Communicate with High Souls, Clear Channel, Make Your Point. As you experience the Techniques, you will experience the real you – your true feelings as a soul.
7 Hours
$110.00 US
COURSE #774 -
Explore the Cosmos Beyond Techniques |
This course will prepare you to lead the Techniques for the second four weeks of Exploring the Fifth Dimension Group Structure, Facet 2. You will experience the following Techniques: Soul Safari, Astro-Trip to Anywhere you Want to Go in the World, Wheel of Love, Creative Solo, As Little Children, Zoology, Speaking with Spirit, Cleanse Your Universe from the Source. As you experience these Techniques in the Astro-Soul vibration, you will feel a deeper communication with Spirit and a greater understanding of your spiritual nature. |
7 Hours
$110.00 US
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Alley Creative, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Americana Leadership College, Astro-Soul, Profound Mystical Meditation, Inner Peace Movement, Growing Executives of Tomorrow, Peace Community Church, Gateway to the Business World, Wayshowers Community Fellowship, the Times Communicator News Letter and the logos of these services are registered trade marks or service marks of the F. Coll Estate. Man and the Universe, Exploring Inner Dynamics Workshop, Group Dynamics, Technique Dynamics, Circle of Love, New Spiritual Horizons, Foundations of Spiritual Development, Dimensions of My Past, Present and Future, Exploring the Wisdom of My Universe, and Wayshowers Philosophy are product service marks. All rights reserved.