

The Spiritual Profiles on this page are available by appointment from The College Certified Spiritual Consultants holding the appropriate 2000 series certification(s).
The 2001 and 2002 profile descriptions are available on the Group Work Profiles page.
2003-Art: Angel Portraits Profile
In this profile you will get a picture of one of your angels drawn as he or she appeared in their last lifetime on planet earth.
1 Hour. Prerequisites: 1001, Recommended: 7004
2004: The In-Depth Personal Concepts and Syndromes Profile
Explore in-depth how syndromes are stimulated. Learn how you stimulate others to treat you certain ways. By understanding your patterns of behavior, you will be able to move into your life purpose with a new enthusiasm to accomplish.
1 Hour.
Prerequisites: 1001, 1002-A, 1003-A, 1003-B, 1003-C, 1004 (2 parts).
Recommended: 2001 (1 time).
2005: The Trends And Tendencies in Our Thread Of Lives
This profile is to help you see where you are in context of your past lifetimes. In ten parts, the profile will help you dIscern habits and attitudes you have brought with you from other lifetimes, as well as, the strengths you have gained as a soul through time.
1 1/2 - 2 hours.
2006: Personal Regrouping Profile
This profile gives you a clear factual picture of the energy affecting your aura. You will be given facts in the area of Spiritual, Organization, Physical and Direction and get an understanding of how this may be affecting your life at the present time.
1 Hour. Prerequisite: 1001 Orientation Profile
2007: Qualification of Direction And Energy Patterns
This profile will show you how you are relating or communicating with people and your environment: 1) in the present (where you are). 2) in the past (where you come from) and 3) the future (where you are going).
45 minutes
2008: Chakra Healing Profile
This profile will help heal the Dug-in souls from lifetimes. Release pressure around your physical body with the psychic healing of your chakras. Achieve another level of refinement. There is no limit to how it will change you.
2009: Concept Healing Profile
Clarify concepts that have attracted confusion for lifetimes. Release thoughts that have been obsessing you. Emerge with a new attitude about yourself. Heal and release a soul that has been possessive of your body.
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