

The Spiritual Profiles on this page are available by appointment from The College Certified Spiritual Consultants holding the appropriate 7000 series certification(s).
7001: World Dimensions For Journeymen Profile
Obtain a complete view on a world-wide scale of the apprentices they came to planet earth to reach during this lifetime. A broad scope is presented for the Journeyman in his life mission which will equip him with the tools he needs and give him a geographic dimension of people he will be reaching.
1 Hour. Prerequisites: 1001, 1002-A, Recommended: 1003-A
7002: The "Planification, Execution and Labor for Journeymen" Profile
This profile helps you understand how you are utilizing Planification, Execution and Labor in your daily life. You learn about your percentage levels in your Business, Social and Personal life and how precise you are in your communication with others.
1 Hour. Prerequisites: 1001, 1002-A, 1003-A
7003: Balancing The Chakras for Journeymen and Apprentices Profile
Work with the spiritual energy of the Chakras Centers to realize how your unfoldment influences your success and motivation in your personal, social and professional life.
1 Hour. Prerequisites: 1001, 1002A, 1003A
7004: The 'Inner Guidance and My Spiritual Thrust'' Profile
This is a profile to help you expand your awareness of your inner guidance, especially in relation to your life thrust. By learning more specific information on the background of your guidance, you can enhance your own life with more meaningful direction. This is a profile that goes into greater detail on your relationship with your guidance in the perspective of your lifetime experience.
1 Hour. Prerequisite: 1001
7005: The "Seven-Year Cycle-Scope" Profile
The real purpose of this comprehensive profile is to give you a three dimensional view - personal, business and social - of the way you approach reality and how you can work with your spiritual guidance and inner resources to channel and direct your own life along the path you are seeking.
1 to 1 1/2 Hours. Prerequisites: 1001. 1002-A
7006: Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling Quali-Graph
This Profile gives you a comprehensive understanding of your four spiritual gifts of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling. You will learn to have a greater feeling, knowing, seeing and understanding of the way you face life and how you can strengthen your energy each day. Your spiritual gifts are a basic sensitivity of your life style, with their strengths and weaknesses. These are qualities that are an integral part of your daily life.
1 Hour. prerequisites: 1001, 1002-A, 1003-A
7007: Aura Energy Indicator Profile
In this dynamic profile you will be able to determine various levels of your personal qualities from the vibrations of your aura. This timeless method of perceiving character and personal traits has been streamlined into a compact and informative profile so that you will be able to zero in on who you really are.
1 to 1 1/2 Hours. Prerequisite: 1001, 1002-A, 1003-A
7008: The Personalized Spiritual Check-Up of Lifetime Concepts Profile
This profile is presented in 2 parts. In each part, release concepts from your first 7 years which are affecting your glandular centers and obtain better physical health as a result.
1 Hour per part.
Prerequisites: 1001. Recommended: 1003-A
7009 A-F: How Our Profession is Determined by Our Concepts Profile
This profile deals with professional language and how to bring out your innate wisdom. It contains 6 different parts which can be experienced all together or one at a time.
6 parts: 1/2 Hour per part. Prerequisites: 1001 and 1002-A
7009 - G: Concepts We Have About Ourselves Profile
Get a clear picture with 8 concepts on how well you are managing your life at this time. Obtain your personal "star" showing your unfoldment in these 8 areas.
1 Hour. Prerequisite: None
7009 - H: My Spiritual Contracts
An in-depth look at the contract you have with yourelf to live and share your unique Spiritual Thust and how pinpointing your spiritual wants leads to fulfillment of your spiritual needs and the creation of your material goals.
2 Hour. Prerequisite: 7001 or 7004 and 7009-G
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