

Below is a listing of profiles recommended during your evolution through community group work.
1001: The Orientation Profile
This is a comprehensive profile of your spiritual energy and the personal communication system of your four spiritual gifts. Personal guidance will be explained to you and you will be instructed in techniques to help you develop a clear two-way communication with your guidance.
1 Hour, Prerequisite: Orientation Lecture.
1001-S: The Orientation Swing Update Profile
This spiritual profile is an expansion of the 1001 orientation profile. It helps you refine your spiritual communication system. Discover your percentage of unfoldment of your gifts and learn which of your gifts are stable and which have a tendency to swing, or vary, in percentage when you encounter pressure.
1 Hour, Prerequisite: 1001
1002-A: The Blockage Discovery Profile
In this profile you will discover and identify patterns in your life which are holding you back from fulfillment and success.
1 Hour, Prerequisite: 1001
The Percentage of Balance in Glandular System Profile
Clarify your relationship between the spiritual and physical natures of your life. It is a profile of the seven spiritual energy centers (chakras) which will help you understand the flow of energy in each chakra.
1 Hour, prerequisites: 1001 A & B or 1001 and 1002 A
1003-B: The Depth Therapy Profile
This profile focuses an one of the glandular centers and explores the unconscious attitudes and feelings you have in that area to uncover a stronger sense of security in each glandular area.
1 Hour, Prerequisites: Profiles through 1003-A
1003-C: The Chakras Depth Chart Profile
This profile is an opportunity for you to explore in depth one of your spiritual energy centers to uncover concepts or feelings which create unnecessary pressure in your life.
1 Hour, Prerequisites: Profiles through 1003-B
1004: The Balance of Thought and Feeling Profile
This profile is presented in two parts. Each part is an in-depth search into the unfoldment of two of your spiritual gifts.
1 1/2 Hours, Prerequisites: 1003-C
2001: The Universal Energy Chart Profile
In this profile, accelerate your spiritual development. By understanding experiences from past lives, you will see how outside influences can affect you now.
1 Hour. Prerequisites: 1001, 1002-A, 1003-A, 1003-B, 1003-C, 1004 (2 parts)
2002: The Soul Consciousness Profile
See the relationship between the four perceptions and your spiritual energy centers. When you see how your consciousness in one gift affects you spiritually and physically, you can clarify, pinpoint and release these pressures.
1 Hour. Prerequisites: 1001, 1002-A. 1003-A, 1003-B, 1003-C, 1004 (2 parts), 2001 (2 times)-
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